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Aquaman and Ms. Marvel
Now that Jason Mamoa is officially the Lobo of the DCU, I wonder what that
means for Aquaman. I am assuming it will be some time before we see him in ...
Acum 56 de minute
In 'tumultul' tăcerii noastre.../imbecila UE, ne calcă in picioare!
*In 'tumultul' tăcerii noastre.../imbecila UE, ne calcă in picioare!
Medicamente esențiale dispar; Paracetamolul și pastilele pentru diabet se
Acum 17 ore
Terrific TV Toys: Mary Ellen Walton and the glorious grab bag, Mego+, 1970s
Have you ever experienced the joy of a grab bag??? Call this experience
grab bag "lite," because this bag you can actually see through, so you can
get an...
Acum 22 de ore
A şaptea dimensiune pe Facebook (DCCCLXVII)
Integral la link-ul
Acum o zi
Cu profundă durere anunțăm că doamna Elena Toma a plecat dintre noi.
Cei care doresc să își ia rămas-bun sunt așteptați începând de duminică, 9
martie, ...
Acum 4 zile
Migliaccio al cioccolato
*Carnevale*, tempo di feste in maschera e *dolci golosissimi*. Quest'anno
ho provato la variante super golosa del tradizionale migliaccio napoletano: ...
Acum o săptămână
o vioară cântă
vântul o ascultă:
viața uneori
Acum 5 săptămâni
Acum 5 săptămâni
Definiția prieteniei -
"Dacă într-o zi îți vine să plângi, caută-mă…
Nu promit să te fac să râzi, dar pot să plâng cu tine.
Dacă într-o zi îți vine să fugi, caută-mă…
Nu promit că ...
Acum o lună
#CraftyTuesday - Door Corner Decorations
I love to decorate for the holidays, but my knees are not liking that all
of my decorations are stored in the basement. Wonderful hubby that I have
Acum 2 luni
Cum îți organizezi eficient dulapul de haine: 5 sfaturi ingenioase
Organizarea garderobei poate fi o adevărată provocare, însă un dulap de
haine bine structurat îți poate simplifica viața.
Indiferent dacă ai o colecție i...
Acum 4 luni
CLIPA CEA REPEDE CE NI S-A DAT (si ni s-a și luat)
Mai toate manualele moderne de gandire pozitiva promoveaza ideea de a nu
avea regrete, de a le sterge total și ireversibil din mintea ta, pentru a
face ...
Acum 8 luni
Celebrating Nekokami:Internship Version 1.0 with The Dream Garden Update!
This is a major update to Nekokami: Internship - The Dream Garden update!
The Dream Garden is a quiet sanctuary for Planetary Architects. In this
Acum 10 luni
Cum să tratați și să preveniți hemoroizii
Hemoroizii sunt o problemă enervantă și dureroasă care afectează mii de
români în fiecare an, suferind de această boală care ...
Citeste tot
Acum un an
Cea mai grea săptămână
Sunt locuri în lume care leagă ceea ce este sacru de ceea ce este imund,
care leagă umanul de ceea ce este dincolo de el. De multe ori, locurile
astea po...
Acum 4 ani
How to Move House - Virtually
I've moved house from Blogger to a new address:
You can continue to follow me there or on Twitter at
Acum 4 ani
Giudi, piele
Geanta piele naturala Giudi cu feronerie aurie, cu bareta lunga ajustabila
(NU crossover), inchidere cu turnlock si snur de piele.
Stare excelenta, ...
Acum 4 ani
Geaca neagra mărime S, brand Stradivarius
Umplutura puf și pene
Extrem de calitativa și călduroasă, perfecta pentru iarna și vreme
Buzunare ...
Acum 5 ani
Holding My New Book
Hello dear friends:
Here is a recent article about my newest book...and as it can be seen, I am
very excited to hold the book in my hands.
Acum 5 ani
Kiddos Heart Spoke
*The morning is as bright as a shooting star, The night is as dark as a
rain cloud. The morning is as bright as you think, The night is as dark ...
Acum 5 ani
*Two workshops are offered in August, 2019*.
*Painting a Watercolor Still Life with Silver *Deb Ward, *GWS, OWS, PWS,
August 9-10, 2019 10 a.m. –...
Acum 5 ani
Fusta lunga
free size, talia pe elastic 72-90 cm, sold 100-110 cm, lungime 105 cm,
tricot vascoza cu elastan, nu este transparenta, stare excelenta, *25 lei*
Acum 5 ani
Cuvinte nedexate... încă
ANALFANET, *analfaneţi**,* s.m. Persoană care abuzează, în vorbirea
liberă, de limbajul din online.
APROPORC, *-uri**,* s.n. Aluzie folosită la masa de Cră...
Acum 5 ani
Pliseuri manuale - arta de a transforma materiale
Doar prin muncă asiduă se pot obține rezultate notabile, indiferent de ce
domeniu ar fi vorba. Rezultatul cercetărilor noastre și al orelor petrecute
Acum 6 ani
Lansare de carte - Berlin, pictopoeme - la Salonul International de
Literatura, Arte Vizuale si Muzica, 6 octombrie, 2018 Toronto
Imi face placere sa lansez cartea "Pictopoems of Berlin" (Berlin,
pictopoeme) a caror autoare sant eu, Irina Moga si Tatiana Arsenie, la
Salonul Internatio...
Acum 6 ani
Animalele au fost cu Adam și Eva în rai; așa că de ce n-ar fi și în
Împărăția Cerurilor?
*"Cum vom trăi în viața de dincolo?" - Câteva gânduri despre unitatea
*Starețul Trifon*
În Biserica Ortodoxă nu există o doctrină oficială ...
Acum 6 ani
Well, well, well
I notice that it is almost six months since I last stumbled into the
bloggosphere. I have to admit that I thought it was probably rather longer
than that, ...
Acum 6 ani
hello Duluthneedshelp
Duluth needs help
Acum 6 ani
Fall 2017 Beauty United Favourites
The fall time is an exciting time for many things... sweater weather and
hot pumpkin lattes! It is sadly also the time for school and stress and the
cold, ...
Acum 7 ani
Байки беляцкого примирения
Давненько не писал, но седня у меня будет праздничный тост. Ибо седня
праздник! Фиг поймешь, правда, то ли единения, то ли согласия и примирения,
то ли еще...
Acum 7 ani
Ajutați-i pe vizitatori să vă acceseze mai repede pagina de destinație
folosind urmărirea în paralel
Întrucât tehnologia pune la dispoziție servicii tot mai rapide și mai
colaborative, consumatorii se așteaptă, mai mult ca oricând, să beneficieze
de exper...
Acum 7 ani
Cuvânt al doamnei Aspazia Oţel Petrescu, rostit de Naşterea Maicii
Domnului, la fosta închisoare pentru femei Mislea. „De nădăjduit, ÎMPREUNĂ”.
Vă mulțumim din adâncul inimilor noastre că v-ați îndurat și în acest an ca
să ne însoțiți în rugăciunile ce s-au înălțat în adoratul nostru Paraclis
în n...
Acum 7 ani
Brau/ Centura / Cordon handmade cu flori impaslite
Elegant, delicat, feminin, lucrat exclusiv manual , poate fi un cadou cu
adevarat deosebit pentru o persoana draga sau il poti alege pentru tine !
Braul est...
Acum 7 ani
Sfârșit de an, început de an - între blocaje și eliberări
Aproape că reușisem să plecăm în timp util la petrecerea dintre ani.
Reușisem să împachetăm copilul, să luam toate cele necesare pentru party,
ce să mai, t...
Acum 8 ani
:: Chicken Roll Ups ::
[image: Chicken Roll Ups]
Chicken Roll Ups
6 oz cooked chicken breast, chopped
1 can crescent rolls
1 can cream of chicken soup
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup chee...
Acum 8 ani
An update to the Blogger post editor to help with mixed content
Back in September, we announced that HTTPS support was coming to, making it possible for you to encrypt connections to your
blog; since then,...
Acum 8 ani
Ethan and Katelee's School Pictures 2015-2016
Ethan is in 3rd grade this year and doing pretty good. His teacher is Ms.
Pippin who happens to be the best thing ever for him. She is patient, a
Acum 8 ani
Capturing My Grief
Well, I've been hiding out away from my blog so that I can raise my
family. I am back now, with a new blog name and hopes to share more of my
creative l...
Acum 8 ani
I imagine this is called something like 'Under a Tree with Existential
*"Everything I've ever let go of has claw marks on it." *- David Foster
Acum 9 ani
In N Out Christmas Party 2015 Cirque or Circus?
I realize it has bee an long time since i have posted onto the blog... I am
mostly found lately either on Instagram (KORIES)... We don't do much
anymore li...
Acum 9 ani
Read Online Ginzick Super Fun Kids Tool Set Workshop Playset
Ginzick Super Fun Kids Tool Set Workshop Playset Now you can Enjoy book
Ginzick Super Fun Kids Tool Set Workshop Playset with detailed description: Product...
Acum 9 ani
Telling Stories
ImagInatIon is safe & sound! and my faith in human connection feels
restored when I watch Thomas's video...
Acum 9 ani
The Future Of The Google+ Stream
We Have All Heard The Death Knell For Google+ Being Rung By Every Big Blog…
But here is the quick and easy solution to how to fix Google Plus: Put RSS
Acum 10 ani
My First Zigsaw Puzzle - Hello Kitty
My first jigsaw puzzle was bought during our short trip to KL last school
This is small puzzle with 150pcs. I completed it within 2 hours.
Acum 10 ani
Harga Resin Kation Anion - Jual Resin Lewatit
*Harga Resin Kation Anion - Jual Resin Lewatit*
[image: Harga Resin Kation Anion - Jual Resin Lewatit]
*Rangkayan Dan Proses Regenerasi Res...
Acum 10 ani
Sorry folks, I have not been able post here for quite some time. The reason
is my new work assignment which kept me quite tied up. I have just
completed my...
Acum 10 ani
Preserving Orkut’s history
Today, we are bidding tchau to Orkut. But, as we announced at the end of
June, while the service may be going away, its history of connections and
Acum 10 ani
Google's cloud is secure. But you don't have to take our word for it.
Posted by Eran Feigenbaum, Director of Security, Google Apps
No matter how you slice it, mobile and cloud are essential for future
business growth and pro...
Acum 10 ani
Mosquito Trap
Acum 10 ani
Facebook : La suppression des Fan gate
A partir du 5 novembre prochain, il ne sera plus possible de passer par
l’adhésion à une *page fan* d’une marque pour participer à un concours ou
pour ac...
Acum 10 ani
It's Off to School We Go!
Well, we are officially in school! Today our lives change forever. This is
the new norm. We are all too quickly leaving the "lazy" days at home behind
and ...
Acum 10 ani
2013 July through September
Jack's first fish with his new fishing rod!!
Our sweet family in Kentucky!
Lots of cousins!
Sweet Sisters!
Happy Early Birthday, Jack!!!
Acum 10 ani
Value of Moms
According to the Universal Life Coach Institute, Life Coaches earn anywhere
from $128/hr. to $321/hr. The salary range goes from $28,000 at the lowest
Acum 10 ani
Colier Once upon a time
Nou, nu l-am purtat niciodata.Pentru cumparatorii din afara Bucurestiului
plata se va face pe card, astfel transportul este gratis. Predare personala
in B...
Acum 10 ani
Palace of Illusions by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
I completed "Palace of Illusions" by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni today. Its
a narration of one of the greatest epic of Indian Mythology "Mahabharat"
but fro...
Acum 10 ani
It's been a while
For some reason after 2 years of leaving the fashion blogscene and
currently staying low as a spectator, I felt a dire need to go back and
read my old post...
Acum 11 ani
Our two little spies turn 007
Our little twinners recently turned SEVEN!! We decided to throw a little
Secret Agent Detective Party for the 007 agents.
We asked them to dress in blac...
Acum 11 ani
New Year… New Blog Post?
Wow, my poor little forgotten blog…
I REALLY should make time to come in here & update! I loved my blog at one
time, it was a great way to document thing...
Acum 11 ani
Maybe you need a clue...?
I added a clue to 2 become 1 #3.
Acum 11 ani
Fusta Stradivarius la 25 ron vanduta
Fusta Stradivarius Marime M Pret 25 ron
Acum 11 ani
A final farewell
Thank you for stopping by.
Today, we powered down Google Reader. We understand you may not agree with
this decision, but we hope you'll come to love thes...
Acum 11 ani
[image: DSC_3890 [psp turq] - Snakes in Ladders]Finally got round to
installing one of them proximity app things. Flicking through. Dull, dull,
ok, hmm, ma...
Acum 11 ani
Allergies 2
Cicily went to the allergist on Friday, and I have been really good about
making sure her epi pen goes with her where ever she goes. Since the visit
Acum 11 ani
A new home for Groups news
Recently we launched some updates to Google Groups, including a new,
cleaner interface. Well, now we’re making an update to how we communicate
updates and ...
Acum 11 ani
The pergola last summer. I'll post an update. It's a new year and time for
me to check out the new formatting of this blog site to see if I can get
back ...
Acum 11 ani
"Wiffa" Trained
Yup, on April 20 & 21 of 2013, I was WFA and CPR (CCR) trained. It was a
great class with an even better instructor. His name was Nathan
D-something, and ...
Acum 11 ani
Twice in a Lifetime
To accept the challenge, I have agreed to present about my expedition in
Costa Rica and Nicaragua in Baptist University.
While planning for my presentation,...
Acum 12 ani
m-am uitat putin prin jurnal si mi-am amintit primele momente din 2012. A
inceput promitator..plin de sperante,curaj. Intre timp eu am descoperit ce ...
Acum 12 ani
Nuovo posto, nuova vita!
Per chi ricapiti qui per sbaglio, ora mi troverete qui:
Nuovo posto, nuova vita!
Ciao a tutti!
Acum 12 ani
Homes and gardens visited in New Zealandnd
We have partaken once again of the fine New Zealand hospitality and have
been in a number of homes and enjoyed some beautiful gardens. Here are a
few exa...
Acum 12 ani
*Va invit sa practicam impreuna un exercitiu simplu ce poate avea efecte
nebanuite asupra noastra si a celor din jur. *
*Exercitiul se cheama*
* Fluturi...
Acum 12 ani
I've moved!
Please come visit me at, as I am no longer posting here.
Acum 12 ani
Durata concurs: 20 Decembrie 2012
- 1x iPhone5
- 5x Căști audio a-Jays
- 5x Pin Cristal
- 20x Home Buttons
Tip Concurs: Tragere ...
Acum 12 ani
Saying goodbye to the AdSense for Feeds blog
Thanks to everyone who has been a loyal reader of this blog over the years.
After some consideration, we recognize that we're just not generating
enough co...
Acum 12 ani
Saying goodbye to the AdSense for Feeds blog
Thanks to everyone who has been a loyal reader of this blog over the years.
After some consideration, we recognize that we're just not generating
enough co...
Acum 12 ani
The End of Love Affair
It’s so sad that my love affair has now officially come to an end.
It was rumored for years that my beloved didn’t want my love or my support.
Sadly, ...
Acum 12 ani
Starting over
hey guys! Due to the creepy followers I was getting I decided to create a
new blog. And while I'm sad to have to abandon this one it feels good to
start fr...
Acum 12 ani
To continue the blog.....or not to continue the blog? That is the question!
-'s been a really long time since I have posted!!!! Just
contemplating if I should start the blog back up again. I am going to be
quite honest......
Acum 12 ani
Cullen Newborn Pictures
As with every one of my births (as I am sure with all moms) I had a fun /
interesting delivery. I was under the gun to get everything at work wrapped
Acum 12 ani
ABBA DANCE for wii
Thanks to Crowdtap, we recieved this game in the mail to try out and have a
We kept it lowkey and added to the Chritmas decorations, brought out my...
Acum 13 ani
One Sweet Love
So for the past few days I have been elbow deep in dough, sugar and
I have made 5 full pans of maple iced cinnamon rolls and 6 pans of apple ...
Acum 13 ani
I'mmmmm baaaaack!
Hello blogging world! It's me. Yes, ME. Cristi. THE Cristi of Cristi's
Creations. It seems as though I have taken a bit of a leave of absence,
doesn't it? ...
Acum 13 ani
Holy Crap I feel like blogging...
I couldn't possibly catch you up on all of the stuff that the kids have
been doing lately, but the biggest news is that Henley is walking(ish) now.
She sti...
Acum 13 ani
In noua casa - Elgee's Blog
*NOUL BLOG*: Elgee's Blog -
Acum 13 ani
Miresica ... miresica - OFERTA SOC!!- REDUCERE - 50% DIN PRETUL AFISAT,
[image: Posted by Picasa]
Rochie de mireasa potrivita pt marimea 38-40, cumparata anul trecut din
magazin cu 500 lei, stare buna ( o singura purtare...
Acum 14 ani
Four years ago today, a beautiful little girl was born in a quaint and
picturesque town along the Dneiper river in southeastern Ukraine.
What should have...
Acum 14 ani
New Styles
We've got a couple new styles! Check'em out on our online store!
honey bee dress with waist tie (waist tie is removable)
rossia pacifica dress
and back b...
Acum 14 ani
Rochita pt revelion
- material ...
Acum 14 ani
Appointment Scheduling Gadget
From our awesome friends at DaringLabs.
[image: Powered by Google App Engine]
Yes, I want to book appointments from my blog!
Use your blog to drum up ...
Acum 14 ani
Explanation - What Pingy Does?
In blogging, ping is an XML-RPC-based push mechanism by which a weblog
notifies a server that its content has been updated.[1] An XML-RPC signal
is sent to...
Acum 14 ani
[image: Imagine0015.jpg] Date: Mar 15, 2010, 4:12 PM
Number of Comments on Photo:0
View Photo
Acum 14 ani
Gods and goddesses of Egypt
Gods and godesses of Egypt were often represented as animals or other
forces of nature.Here you can find list of gods and goddesses of egypt and
the shape ...
Acum 14 ani
Palces in Knossos,Festus and Malia
[image: Palace]
From the first Cretan palaces in Knossos and Festus there are ony few ruins
left of the palace built under the later, while palace in Malia,...
Acum 14 ani
Nation, You Make Me Tired
The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Tiny Triumphs - Environmentalist Ear Pollution
Colbert Report Full Episodes 2010 E...
Acum 14 ani
I don't know, I just don't know
So, I still can't talk about all the stuff that's been going on. It's
weird though, it's like all my friends are just pulling together to make me
feel gre...
Acum 14 ani
Mudança de endereço
Mudou para cá. Bom divertimento.
Acum 14 ani
Shel's Sneak Peak
This weekend I got a chance to have a session with Shelby. She is so much
fun and does every sport and plays every instrument under the sun. We are
Acum 14 ani
This makes me feel better about my sad German skills. I told the guys they
didn't need to translate, but I guess they were already going from Italian
to G...
Acum 14 ani
Stateam intinsa in pat si ma gandeam la tine... Tu... stateai intins in
hamacul din spatele casei tale... Era asezat intre doua salcii... Iar
atunci vantu...
Acum 14 ani
Give my regards to...
...a sweaty, ABC gum-covered auditorium in Parsippany, New Jersey.
After 9 months in tap/ballet Brooklyn's long-awaited performance had
arrived. Roughly a ...
Acum 14 ani
Our blog has moved!
Please note that this blog has now been transferred to the new Créativité
Blog here
Hope to see you over there!
Best wishes Sue Alouche
Acum 14 ani
Mother's Day
Here is my sweet angel at her preschool "muffins for moms." The kids had
painted flower pots and grown grass with flowers! They decorated their room
and se...
Acum 14 ani
News from the noveling world
NaNoWriMo is in full swing, which means I'm working on my November novel
and there is so little time left over for things like eating, sleeping,
thinking, ...
Acum 15 ani
Khalean New Best Friend
This is Khalean my 2nd babe with her new AFO, she hates it so much in the
1st palce but kinda getting a hang with it slowly. My heart just melt
looking at...
Acum 15 ani
Surgery and books
I have been absent and for that I apologize. But just so you know..I have
not just been ignoring my blog, I have also been ignoring my life. I have
pretty ...
Acum 15 ani
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